Web Design

Web designs are created in Adobe Dreamweaver using HTML5 and CSS3. Click on a thumbnail to view a larger version.

thumbnail image for example website with a dark background
Dark Background
thumbnail image for example website with a light background
Light Background
thumbnail image for example website created using pop-up or modal windows
Modal Window
thumbnail image for example website created to showcase a ficticious product line of victorian gothic clothing
Product Page
thumbnail image for example website created with a single column layout
1 Column
thumbnail image for example website created with a two column layout
2 Column
thumbnail image for example website created with a three column layout
3 Column

 Graphic Design

My graphic work is done in Adobe Photoshop and layouts are created in Adobe InDesign. InDesign layouts may open as a PDF.

thumbnail image for a photo restoration example done with a photo of civil war soldiers
Photo Restoration
thumbnail image for a larger image of a photo manipulation where a flamingo and a swan have been merged
Photo Manuipulation
thumbnail image for a photo synthesis image where several images were merged to create a castle on an alien world
Photo Synthesis
thumbnail image for a photo collage made from pictures related to J.R.R. Tolkien
thumbnail image for a brochure designed with inward folding flaps
Brochure with Flaps
thumbnail image for a menu created for a ficticious restaurant
thumbnail image for a ficticious Time Magazine cover
Mock Magazine Cover
thumbnail image for a ficticious Fancy Cat magazine cover
Mock Magazine Cover


Writing examples will open as a PDF.

thumbnail image of a recommendation report
Recommendation Report
thumbnail image of a formal business report
Formal Report
thumbnail image of a business proposal
Business Proposal
thumbnail image of a business proposal
thumbnail image of a tri-fold brochure
Tri-Fold Brochure

Credit to All-Silhouettes.com for the cat silhouettes used on this site.

Credit to dann94 for the Starry Night Brush Set used on this site.